We are delighted that you have found your way to the THEKI® Online Academy! THEKI has encouraged thousands of people to create a life of success, health, and happiness through personal development since 2008.

Are you ready too? Then change your life now and start with the THEKI 1 Online Seminar.

: : :
Days   Hours   Minutes   Seconds
Book now (€540) 07. - 28. September 2024

More about THEKI® 

THEKI was brought to life by Sandra Weber in 2008. In Sandra's 
YouTube channel you can now find over 200 videos on the topic of development, self-determination, and ascension. Sandra's book „The Key to Consciousness“ is already in its 4th edition. In 2021 Sandra published the book  „Involution in the New Age“.
Follow the THEKI Academy on Instagram and Facebook.


The THEKI® seminar is structured in consistent video lessons. For each seminar you will receive high-quality course material (manual) as a PDF and printed version. To deepen your knowledge, you will also receive all meditations as MP3 files. You can participate comfortably from your PC, tablet, or mobile phone. All you need is a stable internet connection. 

The THEKI® Online Seminars include: 

  • 42 Individual videos for all lessons, translated with professional voice over
  • 19 Meditations as MP3's, translated with professional voice over
  • Detailed explanations, exercises, and meditations
  • High-quality & detailed manual in printed form
  • Manual also available as PDF for download
  • Exclusive access to the THEKI Telegram group 
  • 3-times live chat via Zoom with Sandra/Sabine
  • Certificate personally signed by Sandra 
  • Free app for mobile phone & tablet. After one download click, your content will be available offline.
  • Access for 21 days
Book your THEKI 1 Seminar now


Here is a brief overview of the scope


Connection with Source

How to connect with the Source and work with the subconscious via the thus achieved theta state. The "journey" also allows you heart-based activity in everyday life through strong grounding and clear upwards-connection.


Using Spiritual Senses

How to recognise, expand, and use your spiritual senses clairvoyance, clairsentience, Clair knowledge, and clairaudience in an ideal way.


The Basic Purification

How to transform countless blockages by means of the Basic Purification and continue to practise spiritual hygiene. Simple, fast, suitable for everyday use.


The Lifeline

How to clear your lifeline and transform deep-seated, stressful, and energy-sapping traumas. Stemming from your current life, from other incarnations of your soul and from your ancestral lineage. Extremely comprehensive and liberating!


Harmonising Relationships

How to harmonise relationships and allow forgiveness with love and gratitude. Allowing improved relationships, clearing interference fields, "playing" in everyday situations and of course letting go of unhealthy attachments.


Amplifying the Life Force

How to strengthen your life force by opening your energy channel and removing blockages. In this way, issues can be gently released, and you stand clearer and more full-bodied in your power.


Positive Programming

How to fully programme yourself in a positive way by reprogramming your beliefs and thus positively changing the resonance within you. Whole new programming on all topics of your life can be integrated within seconds and your reality is now allowed to change.


Integrating Feelings

How to deal with feelings in an optimal way, by transforming unwanted ones and integrating the desired. Also, how you disengage from unhelpful quantum fields and get into completely new, desired ones. Play it!


The Mirrors of Life

How to understand and ideally use the mirrors of life to clearly see what you create in your everyday life. This leads to the understanding and to the last and perhaps most important exercise of the seminar: Perfect Manifesting! :-)


Free Time Management 

You don't just need to practise THEKI® at certain times. With our innovative video system, you can practise your lessons at any time, allowing them to become an ideal part of your everyday life. 

You are in the THEKI Quantum Field 

You get access to the exclusive Telegram group to exchange with other THEKI seminar participants. This also allows you to establish long-term contacts with like-minded people. 

Lessons building upon each other. 

The THEKI® Online Seminars are divided into lessons that logically build upon each other. When you have finished one lesson, you tick it off and  continue with the next one. This way you have a full overview of what you have learned and can deepen or repeat the lessons at any time. 

High Quality Course Materials 

A very detailed, beautifully designed manual is provided digitally as a PDF for the seminar AND we send it to your home in high-quality printed form. This way, you can practice your lessons at home on the sofa or on the road at any time. 


Become part of the THEKI community 

Become part of a great community with other active seminar participants and benefit from their experience.

After registering, you will get access to the THEKI Telegram Group "World Lights". All those who are currently – possibly like yourself? – taking part in a THEKI 1 seminar or have already taken part, exchange their experiences in this wonderful group.

You are never alone when you work through your lessons and can only benefit from the experience of all members. 
You can treat each other, practise together, ask questions and get answers, experience support.

Of course, Sandra is also there for you in this group!


You already are complete! 

Yes, I really see every human being as a perfect being, even if they cannot (yet) see themselves that way. Everything is in you! It's just that the access is blocked, as it were. The experiences of life can wrap themselves around you as traumas, distorted ideas, projections, blocking inner convictions etc. to such an extent that you are hardly aware of yourself anymore, aware of the way you are in your true core. 

That's why THEKI® is exactly about first tracking down and then 
transforming everything that you are not. Your true self will then show itself more and more, completely by itself and you will become aware of yourself better and more clearly; be able to follow the call of your soul and to simply BE YOU - in all your wonderful facets. 

This life is abundance, and this abundance is available to each of us. When we get to understand once again that the Divine is at work in each of us, that each of us is the creator of our own reality and when we understand how we "function", then we can indeed create the life we really want. Everything is already there. 

Is a THEKI® Seminar fitting for me? 

  • Yes, if you are ready to uncover your uniqueness. 
  • Yes, if you want to enter your spiritual world or deepen your contact with it. 
  • Yes, if you are ready for the changes in your life that you have always been longing for. 
  • Yes, if you are already working therapeutically, giving healings, or otherwise 
    accompanying people or animals and would like to further de-velop this work. 
  • Yes, if you want to let go of everything you are not, only to become clearer and more authentic. 
  • Yes, if you want to replace complicated, tedious methods with something effective and simple. 
  • Yes, if you want to have tools at hand for your everyday life that can help you in practically any situation. 
  • Yes, if you want to live a heart-based life. 
  • Yes, if you want to go through your everyday life perfectly grounded & ‘heaven-ed up’. 
  • Yes, if you want to allow more vital energy to flow in your body & life. 
  • Yes, if you want to become an ever-greater active creator of your own reality.
  • Yes, if you want to make distinct and solution-oriented decisions.
  • Yes, if you want to live your life filled with joy again, instead of being lived.
  • Yes, if you now want love, respect, and trust to define your relationships.
  • Yes, if you want to follow your soul’s calling and walk your soul-path. 
  • Yes, if you want to participate lovingly and vibrantly in the transformation of the earth. 
  • Yes, if you are ready for the next step in your life! 

Questions and Answers 

What is the general procedure? 

After purchase and payment, the seminar is available to you from the official start date and for the specified period of 21 days.

The manual and the printed certificate will be sent to you immediately by post, on the same or the following working day. Don't worry, you can download the manual as a PDF and start immediately! 

After the specified period, the seminar will no longer be available to you - but don't worry, we have deliberately set the period this long so that you can easily work through all the topics. It's best to download the MP3 meditations and the manual right at the beginning. 

Will I be alone in the seminar? 

Even though you can choose your own time for the seminar, you are never alone. There are many other participants who are working on their seminars at the same time as you. For exchange, you can network via the THEKI Telegram group (you get access via the seminar). There are other active seminar participants besides Sandra with whom you can exchange ideas. There are also weekly Zooms with Sandra and Sabine, where you can ask your questions, in case you should have any 🙂 

What about the time management? 

The entire seminar, including videos, exercises/meditations, and online handbook, is activated for you around the clock for the entire specified period. After that, access to the seminar is no longer available. However, you can still download all exercises/meditations as mp3 during the seminar. You will also have the original handbook with lots of important information (we always send it by post). This is more than enough time. We go through the same content in the attendance seminar in 3 days. You have free choice of time, so you can do everything in a few days or split it up into approx. 1 hour per day. 

What if I have questions? 

In principle, few questions should arise, as Sandra has become familiar with the questions asked over the years and therefore has incorporated them as information in the lessons and manuals. If you have any questions, please read everything again and listen carefully to the individual lessons. In addition, you get the opportunity to network in the special Telegram group. This way you can not only clarify questions among yourselves, but also exchange experiences and make contacts beyond the seminar if applicable. Sandra and Sabine also offer a weekly Zoom meeting for all seminar participants for questions and answers. 

I do not have a PC, only a smartphone. Can I still take part in the online seminar? 

You can attend the entire online seminar conveniently and easily via your smartphone. Smartphones these days even support the download of audio files. All you need is enough memory space because our files are relatively large. Of course, the download works perfectly on any PC or laptop. You can also download the free Coachannel app, available for mobile phones and tablets, and complete your seminar conveniently via the app (Download via Google Play or Appstore). 

When will be the next date for an online seminar? 

You can find seminar dates further up on this page.

Do I have a right of return? 

You can cancel free of charge at any time up to the start of the seminar. 

For further questions please got to our „Help-Centre“.

Money-back guarantee

THEKI® is so comprehensive, lovable, and valuable that participants do not 
want to miss their insights and experience from the seminars. 

If, contrary to expectations, you change your mind after registering, you  can make use of our
100% money-back guarantee for 60 days from registration.


t’s like ‘coming home’, coming back to our ‘true essence and being’. A truly beautiful course, which has been created and presented out of pure love. We all hold ‘the key’ to our own happiness and this course paves the way and shows us how to clear the path and live as we are meant. Wonderful support system, meditations and course book and absolutely loved the live zoom calls. Thank you Theki ❤️

–  Sacha W.

You have the incomparable talent to make highly complex things understandable for everyone by using straightforward words. This truly is great art. I love your work. Please keep it up so that we can hear and read a lot more from you.

–  Kurt

The THEKI seminars have helped me to see my life clearly and to know that I have all events in my own hands and can direct them positively. As well as the path to my vocation, which I can now live with joy and happiness. My daily practice of THEKI is currently sending me just the right people. It is a gift to help people become more aware and for them to see their lives more clearly, too.

–  Bettina K.

Today I want to thank you for another year in which I feel so wonderfully accompanied. I am so happy that you are in my life, with Theki and with your wealth of experience, which you share so lovingly and full of presence with me and many others. I wish you the Rauhnächte (twelve nights) and holidays that are beautiful and enchanting for you, and a magical 
transition into the new year, the new decade!!!

–  Sabine

Become part of the THEKI community

We look forward to your participation

Book your THEKI 1 Seminar now

©THEKI Academy